Hello, my name is Ineta.
Psychology was a passion of mine since I was 15 years old. This is where the journey has started.
To me it was never something that was meant to fix my life. Rather, it was a tool to help me build my life that I actually enjoy living.
It gives you a chance to get your life back into your own hands if at some point in life you have lost it.
It's a deep, courageous inner conversation with yourself that brings out all the aspects of you that were safely hidden and forgtten.
It helps you to get to know yourself and become aware of the patterns you kept repeating throughout your life without realising it..
Those patterns - are your choices you make on a daily basis.
Once you see it - you can't unseen it. And it becomes a starting point for different choices.
Just like that - the journey begins. The journey where you will have to learn writing a different story.

What I specialise in..
I specialise in childhood experiences that most of the time determine a person's entire life.
These experiences shape how we see ourselves and the world around us.
Complicated relationship with parents, unfulfilled emotional needs, lack of love and abandonment..
From these experiences we formed deficiencies that we unconsciously try to fill, yet we keep repeating the same situations we don’t want.
So that we could once again experience the same feelings we felt in childhood.
From there comes loneliness, deep inner sadness, emptiness that we try to fill with other people - by creating the same unhealthy relationships or attracting the same kind of people that hurt us.
We try to fill it with career, money and achievements but we either can't get it or even if we succeed - we feel no satisfaction.
We still feel that something inside of us is missing.
This is because we act from trauma.
Emotional trauma is like a knot that forms at a certain moment when we experience something very painful. And since we are not able to process it - we get stuck in that moment.
This means that our choices - are the choices of our wounded childish part of ourselves. The one that felt anger, shame, guilt, and couldn’t defend itself. It is that part’s attempt to repeat childhood situations in order to "fix" them.
Only by seeing our wounds and the reasons behind our choices can we change those choices.
That is the beauty of therapy. It helps us get to know ourselves.
And once we get to know ourselves, we stop repeating the same scenarios and take our life back into our own hands.
Nothing controls us anymore... We become free to create life our own way—the way we actually want it to be.

Accredited Specialist Certification in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy
Certification in Schema Psychotherapy
Accredited (IAOTH) Certification in Gestalt therapy
Accredited (CTAA) Certification in Life Coaching
Practitioner Certification in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)
Accredited Certification in Emotional Intelligence
Accredited Certification in Mindfulness
Latest online courses
Client reviews...
I still can't believe what happened... All the questions of life were answered in the first session. I finally understood why I created a difficult life for myself. I never thought that we carry so much from our childhood. It was very unpleasant to face those feelings, but now I feel such relief inside that I found the answers. Thank you so much for that!
Hellen S.
I would like to leave a review about the course that I purchased. It had a lot information about how much we inherit from our parents. I've never heard anything like this before. But it makes so much sense and explains why I felt the way I did. Thank you very much!
Kelly M.
The course about our psychological needs gave me so many answers. I would have never thought that I am still trying to get what somebody didn't give me in my childhood. I also never thought that things like loneliness and depression could come from childhood. The hardest part was admitting that I am not living but trying to survive. It's sad. But now that I have seen this, I am ready to change it. I'm very happy that I purchased the course.
Victoria Wilson

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I like observing people. I enjoy talking to them and listening to their life stories.
But there are days when I don’t want to see anyone or talk to anyone. On those days, I just want to hide from everyone and listen to old songs from morning to night.
An interesting thing is that conscience.
Many people are surprised when they find out that it doesn't exist.
When you no longer know who you are.
When you no longer know what you want.
When you no longer know where you’re going.